Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Me? A Blog?

I love blogs. Not blogging (this being my first, I don’t know about that yet) but blogs written by other people. You know when you are driving at night and you see light pouring out of one window in a house, perhaps with a person or two framed in it as they go about the end of their day? To me, that is what a blog is like. One tiny, lit window looking in on someone’s life. It’s only one window, and very small as it only gives you a peek at a single aspect, one sometimes enigmatic picture of who the blogger is. And therein lies the danger in consistently reading a person’s blog. The reader, having loyally followed the writer, sometimes from the blog’s very creation, can easily become convinced that she actually knows and understands who the writer is.

But seeing one painting does not give you all that much insight into an artist’s whole body of work, and reading one blog does not mean that you have your finger on the heartbeat of who someone is. Sure, maybe you have a really clear picture of what they like to read, what recipes they have mastered or the latest thing their husband did that sent him to the doghouse. But their dreams? Their fears? All of the little bits and pieces that come together to make up a whole, wonderful, neurotic person? Not a chance. That would take more than one written blog. That takes time and energy put into a relationship. That takes more.

So, why a blog? I’ve asked myself why I think other people might want to peek into my lit window. The truth is, if I were you, I would probably pass this one by. Maybe that’s just insecurity. Not about my writing skills which, while nothing special, aren’t embarrassing either, but about how interesting what I have to say about my life might be. How interesting my life is. So, given that, why a blog? A combination of things I think. First, I like to write but haven’t done a lot of it since my kids were born - just no time or energy! My sister is always telling me I need to do something for myself and writing, even a tiny blog, gives me the satisfied feeling that I have. Also, friends keep telling me that I need to write down the crazy, often hilarious and sometimes infuriating things my youngest daughter Z says and does. Since I don’t scrapbook anymore and don’t keep any kind of journal, this seems like a good way to remember these things so I can share them with her later. Also, when she has stripped off her clothes for the fourth time in one day, unlocked the ‘child proof’ front door and gone outside so she can “feel the bee-u-tee-full wind on her booty,” writing out my frustration may prove therapeutic! Finally, now that I have a laptop I can write while engaging in my favorite activity - lazing around on anything soft and flat. With all that in mind, why not a blog?

So here it is. I don’t really have a plan for it. It’s probably won’t be about anything in particular. Just a grab bag of what I am doing, reading, feeling, watching, listening to and learning. Feel free to drive by and take a peek in…I promise to keep at least one light on!


  1. Hey! No pressure or anything! The truth is, I have found I am really looking forward to writing it.

  2. The Further Adventures of Z, with a dash of Q, and hopefully some about the construction adventures of J and his father!!!!

    And hopefully nothing about the in-laws-the Duggars North!!! (please?)

  3. I'm not making any promises! ;-) The in-laws are often a source of ongoing hilarity and lots of learning experiences for other parents. It seems unfair to never share that with the rest of the blogosphere!

  4. Looking in from the outside is never as satisfying as a real relationship, but in our very busy culture this can be a supplement. It looks to offer a way to share the depth and creativity that may otherwise not ever be known. I am looking forward to 'peeking in'.

  5. Wow!!! I can't wait to read your blog!
